Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Visiting Mary in Newfoundland

My grandparents tried to return to Newfoundland to visit as often as they could, usually once every second year. Here are some pics visiting Nan's sister Mary (Hawtense) Bell and her family.

Hilda, Bill, Julie, John, Mary
Hilda, Julia, John and not sure of little boys name.
Hilda and Bill with unknown boy.
Grampy Bill Loder with the pink shirt. Everyone was color coordinated. Hilda with her sister Mary and Mary's children Julie and John.
Siblings, Stan, Hilda and Mary.
Mary on left, sons in back and brother Stan Bursey at right.

Mary in white with her daughter Julie and her sister Fanny Cramm.
Sisters, Hilda, Fanny, Mary 1972.


Unknown said...

hello cuz, your grandpa was my uncle. always loved when he visited. u have at least one pic of my dad, hayward.. maybe 2. didn't know i had family in this province, should have known.. we've always been roamers!

Jen, Paul and Daisy said...

Hi Leon! Who are your parents? Would you mind emailing me at jenlmelvin@hotmail.com? I'd love to chat!